How to install Webdriver on Android Emulator on Windows

Following my previous post, I needed to install Webdriver on Android Emulator.  I have Windows 7 installed and most of the instructions were for Linux, so I thought this might be helpful.
So even this is pretty straight forward. Let’s run through the steps I followed to install Webdriver:
  1. Download “android-server-2.0.2rc3.apk ” from the following location
  2. Copy the above downloaded file into folder “C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
  3. Run the “Command Prompt” as administrator.
  4. Execute “cd C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
  5. Execute the command “adb install  android-server-2.0.2rc3.apk
  6. We also need to set up Port forwarding, run the command “adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080"
  7. Click on the WebDriver app on Emulator and this will make the android server available at “http://localhost:8080/wd/hub”. Opening this URL in Firefox will show up a blank page on success.
  8. Confirm the following settings on your emulator : Settings -> Applications -> Development -> Check "USB debugging", "Stay Awake" and "Allow mock locations".
  9. Launch the emulator, it will have Webdriver installed. When you launch the Webdriver, it will confirm “jetty started

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